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A rich, varied and interest-led Early Years Education ensures that by the time your child leaves for school, they are Confident, Inquisitive and Independent.

Read more about how we support your child’s development during these crucial years.

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Our curriculum is guided by the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Framework and the 7 Areas of Learning.

In conjunction with the EYFS, we recognise that children develop and learn in different ways and this framework enables us to cover all children within the early years provision, including special educational needs and disabilities.

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Spontaneous & Stimulating activities led by your child’s interests

Tailored to your Child.

Based on the EYFS framework our approach is to:

  • Provide environments and activities that encourage your child to become a competent learner from birth, who can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured. This is demonstrated through education that is tailored to your child’s specific needs, routines, interests and abilities.
  • Provide children with as many new, interesting, stimulating and challenging experiences using creative resources such as paint, playdough, mark making, sand, softplay, water and many more.
  • Provide a key person for your child who is responsible for guiding them on their learning journey and making the child reel safe and cared for, whilst maintaining a strong relationship with the parents.
  • Instil in the child an appreciation and love of nature and the outdoors through free flow access to outdoor play, gardening and exercise opportunities.
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Our Curriculum

Our Guiding Principles

  • A Unique Child. Every child is a competent learner from birth who can be resilient, capable, confident and self assured.
  • Positive Relationships.  Children learn to be strong and independent from a base of loving and secure relationships with parents and/ or a key person.
  • Enabling Environments.  The environment plays a key role in supporting and extending children’s development and learning.
  • Learning and Development.  Children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates and all areas of learning and development are equally important and inter-connected. The framework covers the education and care of all the children in early years provision including children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)

The 7 Areas of Learning

The “Prime” areas of learning include:

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Communication and Language
  • Physical Development

The “Specific” areas of learning include:

    • Literacy
    • Mathematics
    • Understanding the World
    • Expressive Arts and Design

How do we Deliver Effective Learning?

  • Playing and Exploring:  Children investigate and experience things, and ‘have a go’.
  • Active Learning:  Children concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties, and enjoy achievements.
  • Creating and Thinking Critically:  Children have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas and develop strategies for doing things.

Working Together.

Your child is assigned a Key Person from the moment they start at nursery and the Key Person uses an individual, child centered approach to your child’s development. This ensures that your child fulfils their next steps and is stimulated through a variety of spontaneous and planned activities, as well as a balance of adult initiated and child led activities, based on their likes and dislikes.

Your child will have an interactive Learning Journal that follows them through their time at nursery to capture a record of all their achievements and special moments. We place a high emphasis on parent partnership and strongly encourage parents to add to the Learning Journal with special moments, holidays and new interests that happen outside of nursery. This helps us to create a fuller picture of your child’s life and to develop further challenging activities and interests within the setting.

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Parent Visits for ‘People who help us’
& our Nursery Bears ready to go home with the children!

The Next Big Adventure Awaits.

Once your child reaches the Pre-School Suite, we begin our Transition to School Program to ensure that your child is confident and well equipped to meet the challenges of their next phase of education. The Early Years Foundation Stage defines school readiness as ‘the broad range of skills, knowledge and attitudes children need as foundations for good future progress,’ and we facilitate this by focusing on the children making consistently high rates of progress in relation to their starting points.

Furthermore, we aim to provide an ambitious curriculum which observes the notion of ‘Cultural Capital’- meaning that we are not just ensuring your child is not only ‘school ready’, but ‘life ready’ instead. By the time your child leaves nursery for school, they will:

  • Have a broad knowledge and range of skills gained through everyday experiences.
  • Be comfortable to approach others and to communicate their thoughts, ideas and needs in their own way.
  • Be resilient and ready to take on all that is on offer.
  • Be excited, enthusiastic, curious and confident about learning.
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What to Expect during your Nursery Journey:

Real-Time Updates

From your first interaction with our setting, everything nursery related can be found on our wonderful Early Childhood Management Platform- Famly. From invoices to sleep/ meal/ nappy times, developmental milestone to nursery news and calendar events, Famly is your user-friendly tool to provide peace of mind and always be in the loop with nursery life. Our parents love it!

Nursery Events

You only have to look on our social media to know that our nurseries love a theme day or event! We hold many parent (and grandparent!) Stay & Play events throughout the year, as well as dress up days, cultural days, Sports Day, Christmas concerts and parties and much much more- Making for an expressive, imaginative and inclusive nursery experience for your child.

Seamless Transitions

You can expect:

Parent Consultations prior to each room move which summarise your child’s progress and set learning goals together with you. This is accompanied by a showround and a ‘meet & greet’ handover with your child’s new key person.

A 2 Year Progress Check Report- around 2 Years 7 Months

A School Leaver Report

An Emotional Goodbye!

It is our greatest honour to play an important role in your child’s Early Years. And when the sad day comes to wish your family well on your next big adventure, we throw our big Graduation and School Leavers party for parents and children. Complete with ‘cap and gown’ photographs and heart-melting keepsakes, we’ll be happy to share the tissues with you!

Within each of the suites, we use festivals, holidays and days of observance and the children’s interests to incorporate the following:

Cookery Club

Gardening Club

Science Club

Music Club

Additional Education

We also offer ‘Stretch and Grow’ sessions for our older children. ‘Stretch and Grow’ involves exercise with stories an music and has proven to be very popular with our children.

Our food
is delicious!

Transition to School

Once your child reaches the Pre-School Suite, we begin our Transition to School Program to ensure that your child is confident and well equipped to meet the challenges of their next phase of education. The Early Years Foundation Stage defines school readiness as ‘the broad range of skills, knowledge and attitudes children need as foundations for good future progress,’ and we facilitate this by focusing on the children making consistently high rates of progress in relation to their starting points.

Furthermore, we aim to provide an ambitious curriculum which observes the notion of ‘Cultural Capital’- meaning that we are not just ensuring your child is not only ‘school ready’, but ‘life ready’ instead. By the time your child leaves nursery for school, they will:

  • Have a broad knowledge and range of skills gained through everyday experiences.
  • Be comfortable to approach others and to communicate their thoughts, ideas and needs in their own way.
  • Be resilient and ready to take on all that is on offer.
  • Be excited, enthusiastic, curious and confident about learning.
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Want to learn more about our Forest Area?

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Our Forest Areas

Some of our day nurseries have access to our exciting Forest Area, a large open space of woodland area, complete with trees, log stump seating area, make believe camp site, den areas, bird houses, twigs, leaves and plenty of insects and natural habitation. Based on the Scandinavian concept of ‘Forest Schools’, Forest Areas and forest activities are seen as a positive way to introduce children to the outdoors and to learn about the outdoor environment in a safe and secure atmosphere. Not only this, through long term and regular visits, Forest Area activities can teach children how to manage risks, use their initiative and learn the basics of co-operating with peers.

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